Mantis Walks

  1. Wildfires

    The Cameron peak fire lasted from August 13th, 2020 to December 2nd, 2020. It burned 326 miles making it the largest Colorado fire in history. For three months there were on and off days where breathing outside was difficult, skies were dark with a few days having a full blackout…

  2. Photography and Community

    It took me a long time to figure out how to connect my passion for photography into the values I want to nourish and the causes I want to be part of. I think I have learned a few things of how photography can impact communities. It can act as…

  3. Environmental Capture Milestones

    I’m going to take the word Milestone as an idea of steps.  In high school I was able to be published in the New York State Dragonfly and Damselfly report.  In college I made my own Moss and Bryophyte book.  In Wyoming, my photos contributed to communicating Bark Beetle research.…

  4. Photo Reflection

    As I transition once again into something that may feel familiar but has more weight in it, I’m going to use this tool as a self reflection, check in, and an affirmation on what direction to head when possible. My identity can be closely tied to a camera but it…

  5. Goats in Washington 2015

  6. Moto Kids

    One of the only people I saw during the pandemic was the neighbor kids who would always run up to me if I was on my bike. They let me try their hoverboard but I fell off right away and they definitely thought I was less cool. Polaroids are meant…

  7. Blue Cohosh

    Magical Wild plant found in the New York woods. Related to black Cohosh which is also known as a medicinal herb for women.

  8. Awaiting the Arrival

    I didn’t have on my life list of watching a live birth, but in the beginning of 2019 it became a life changing, dramatic, event- one of my first lessons that you don’t have to travel far for an experience. I wasn’t sure how I would handle it, I wasn’t…

  9. Industry Vs Nature 2009

    Early College Project. Cringing at unfocused eye of Luke and hoping I sharpened it in post processing. 

  10. 100 Seattle Memories- Mobile Camera

Using Format